Up with teacher prep, down with "one strike and you're out"

Better training for teachers can lower skyrocketing suspension rates and make schools safer

Sneak Peek

An early look at results from our Teacher Prep Review

Restoring the balance

Disregard for the real demand for teachers doesn't help teacher prep, teachers or students

Helping States Improve Teacher Preparation

It's here! Released today, the 2012 State Teacher Policy Yearbook, "Improving Teacher Preparation," saw 14 states improve their grades from...

The year of teacher prep

Our State Teacher Policy Yearbook and Teacher Prep Review will lay out what needs to be done to ready teachers...

Update on the evaluation gorges

Six districts in New York, including the Big Apple, have fallen into the evaluation gorge

It's that time of year again!

It's coming. On January 23rd (next Wednesday), NCTQ will publish its sixth annual State Teacher Policy Yearbook

Tr3 Trends: Who's Evaluating Teachers?

This month we see which districts are moving away from using principals as the sole evaluators of teachers. Specifically, we...

Maximizing the returns from teacher evaluation

The MET study gives guidance to districts and teachers on the costs and benefits of increased observation time.

Transparency takes hold in Ohio

We're seeing glimmers across states that more attention is being paid to holding teacher prep programs accountable for the quality...

Teachers have Market-Based and Performance Pay, but no Union Representation

Our district team looks at teacher contracts and documents from over one hundred districts in the Tr3 database. We recently...

'Fiscal Limbo' is not a game schools want to play

With the threat of sequestration pushed back until March 1, many in the education industry are breathing a sigh of...

From Fiscal Cliffs to Evaluation Gorges

Nine of the 700 or so districts in New York State, including New York City, are taking it down to...

Making tenure more than a timestamp

Receiving tenure could be a major milestone in a teacher's career.

More trials ahead for Chicago?

The winds of change are blowing in Chicago and ushering in challenging times for CPS's new leader, Barbara Byrd-Bennett. In...