Announcing NCTQ's Teacher Advisory Group!

We're looking forward to getting these great teachers' input and feedback on our work.

What makes great teachers great?

The nation's best teachers find formal teacher training least valuable

Sorting for equity?

A study shows that school-level factors play a big role in classroom assignment

Now teacher prep in California can do more with more

A new law lets teacher preparation programs offer two years of professional coursework

Making a difference for English language learners

Boosting achievement through practice

Welcome to the ratings business, Mr. President!

Some words of advice for the administration as it shines a spotlight on higher ed

Tr3 Trends: Student and Teacher School Year

With the start of a new school year upon us, we thought we'd take a look at the 2013-14 calendars...

If a contract expires and nothing changes....

The saga in Philadelphia continues

Back to school

Hard to believe another year is starting

Incentivizing early retirement or effectiveness?

An eyebrow-raising study on the impact of early retirement incentives on student achievement was released this week.

When it comes to reading, we've all got a lot of work to do

We need to look at more areas of reading instruction; teacher prep needs to do a better job in early...

Say what? The research may not say what you think it says

As if the educational research landscape were not hard enough to navigate, a new article in July's Perspectives on Psychological...

De-hooping the licensing process

Last week, Tennessee joined Rhode Island, Louisiana and Delaware in requiring teachers to show evidence of effectiveness to advance from...

The great divide continues: slow growth in teacher diversity

The National Center for Education Statistics last week released findings from the 2011-2012 School and Staffing Survey which contains the...

Matt Damon's Harsh Break-up with Public Schools

Matt Damon has been all over the media circuit these past few weeks to promote his latest film, Elysium. But...