Revisiting Springfield, Massachusetts

NCTQ recently undertook a follow-up study of teacher policies of Springfield Public Schools at the request of the Springfield Business...

Someone cheated. Who's responsible?

Over the past few months, allegations of cheating seem to be a dime a dozen.

Shiny New State Policy Website

The new State Policy website has been decked out with all sorts of bells and whistles. Here's a highlight of...

New from NCTQ: 31 states improve grades in latest State Teacher Policy Yearbook

Is your state making progress in adopting policies that support effective teachers?

President Obama positions education as the backdrop to success

"Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans: Today in America, a teacher spent extra time with...

What PISA tells us about the economic gap

Students from the wealthiest decile groups are not necessarily more competitive on the international scale compared to their economically disadvantaged...

A New System for Evaluating Professional Development

Is there a model for professional development research that will provide teachers with what they are asking for?

Districts struggle to have a fair share of effective teachers in low income schools

Ensuring that high performing teachers are equitably distributed among schools is a tough challenge for many districts

Testing redux

The Atlantic examines the "testing effect."

When walkthroughs fail: New research on principals' instructional leadership

A new study examines whether the impromptu classroom walkthrough really works

Preventing the word gap

The word gap issue hits hard for disadvantaged students and preschool teachers

The IES Practice Guide authors must be smiling!

The federal "Guidelines on School Discipline" cite their classroom management guide

Yet more apps for teachers

Resources for teachers of students with special needs

Reading instruction resources for all!

Reading instruction's no easy task. Check out a few helpful resources.

Common Core... There's an app for that

Are the CCSS a bit dense? Yes, but a number of smart phone apps may help