
Benefits of ambivalence: A new tenure policy holds promise for student gains

Policy fixes are necessary to lay the groundwork for change, but it's in the implementation of those policies where the rubber...


What does rigorous clinical practice look like?

Everyone says practice matters; but the Match Teacher Residency provides a shining example of a rigorous, practice-permeated approach to training designed to...


District Update

In last month's Teacher Trendline, we discussed a group of teachers who are often ignored in teacher quality discussions: substitutes....

September 2014: Substitute teachers

As teachers and students settle into the new school year, we turn our attention to a group of teachers who...

A review of Elizabeth Green's "Building A Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone)"

Green -- who did such a fine job as a blogger about NYC education issues -- has written an engaging...

Is NCTQ litigious?

Americans increasingly agree that the gateway into teaching ought to be a whole lot tougher. Findings released this week from...

Taking a look at charter schools operated by schools of education

A news article some months ago about a charter school operated by the School of Education at the University of...


Which teachers stick around?

While the recent landmark Vergara v. California court case focused on teachers who are or should be dismissed, the greatest...


What a difference a decade makes

More teacher experience may have a few more benefits than the research has been touting (not that we really think...


Review of Elizabeth Green's Building A Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone)

Along with Tom Loveless, Robert Pondiscio and David Steiner, count me among those who are less than enchanted by...



As students settle into their first months of the new school year, it's a good time to check in on the...




Teacher prep

Is NCTQ litigious?

Americans increasingly agree that the gateway into teaching ought to be a whole lot tougher. Findings released this week from...

August 2014: Student and teacher school year

It's back-to-school time for districts across the country, and there's no doubt many families have spent some time examining this...