Week of February 2, 2015

Teacher PrepA federal proposal to improve monitoring of teacher-preparation programs had drawn more than 2,300 public comments by the end...

January 2015: Layoffs

Our Trendline series kicks off 2015 with a look at teacher layoff policies in the largest districts across the country.

Week of January 26, 2015

Do the math on teacher pensions and it just doesn’t add up. In 2014, teacher pension systems had a total...

Incoherent by design

When we first began analyzing teacher prep programs for the Teacher Prep Review, we were surprised to find some really big differences...


Harder work, higher earnings?

An NCTQ follower on Twitter, @mescamilla1980, recently challenged our take on what's behind the disproportionately high grades earned by teacher candidates, suggesting...


The push and tug of pay versus benefits

When it comes to their pay and benefits, will teachers always go with the bird in the hand no matter how...

How one district streamlined and bolstered new teacher hiring

Every district HR department looks to find ways to limit the number of time-consuming interviews of new teacher applicants. A few weeks...


Hypothesis Testing…and testing…and testing

Do higher scoring students get assigned higher value-added teachers? Maybe— but more work is needed to really tell. Early in 2014, Chetty,...


Boston Public Schools making strides in human capital policies

Way back in 2010, NCTQ released Human Capital in Boston Public Schools: Rethinking How to Attract, Develop and Retain Effective Teachers in partnership...

Week of January 19, 2015

Federal Ed Policy For the first time in several months (years?), we can say it’s been a big...

Latest updates in Minneapolis, Granite and Bridgeport

This month’s installment of Catching up on Contracts covers the new contracts in three districts in NCTQ’s Teacher Contract...

Week of January 12, 2015

This week had plenty of national education news with re-energized talk of the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind....

Week of January 5, 2015

NCTQ’s response to Easy A’s Gets an F

Contract round up: Sacramento, Baltimore County, Billings and Laramie

This month’s installment covers the new contracts in Sacramento City Unified School District, Baltimore County Public Schools, Billings Public Schools...