
Are we setting up English learners for reading success?

Every year, countless English learning students pass through our education system without getting the help they need. And for each...


Increasing teacher diversity: Four ways districts can take action

Pipelines, incentives, retention strategies, and data tracking lead to greater diversity.


Top five state priorities for education leaders, researchers, and advocates

To learn about state priorities in the coming years, NCTQ surveyed education leaders, advocacy groups, and researchers across the country.


Connect the Dots: States’ priorities, policies, and practices impact student outcomes

Do state leaders suffer from a lack of strategy? To really connect the dots and make an impact, states need...


Precious little time: How to make teachers' professional learning worthwhile

How do you balance teachers' need for professional development with the time it takes away from their students? And do...


Teacher Professional Development: What works and what might surprise you

Teachers need to be constant learners to keep up with an ever-changing landscape. But professional development can vary a lot,...


Investing in new teacher orientation and mentoring can produce long-term benefits

The first year of teaching is an uphill climb. As new teachers learn the ropes, they also need to connect...


Data Brief: How do trends in teacher preparation enrollment and completion vary by state?

How popular of a career choice is teaching? New data analysis shows trends in teacher prep program enrollment and completion.


Paraprofessionals: Understudied, undercompensated, and in short supply

Little is know about paraprofessionals in the classroom, but a recent study in Washington sheds some much-needed light on these...


An easy fix? How technology can provide teacher demand data

A recent working paper shows a simple hack school leaders can use to ease teaching vacancy woes: Automate data collection.


Scrambling to hire teachers doesn’t have to be a recurring rat race

Filling those hard-to-staff teacher vacancies doesn't have to be so hard. Making a few straightforward adjustments to compensation, incentives, and...


Teaching that goes beyond the test? How to measure the many accomplishments of great teachers

What does the research say about measuring how great a teacher is other than their students' test scores?


Coming up ACEs in Dallas: Differentiated pay for teachers and dramatic gains for students

A new study examines a program in Dallas—Accelerating Campus Excellence or ACE—that sought to boost teacher pay for stellar educators...


Think a four-day school week is better? Think again

A four-day work week may seem like a good way to attract teachers and address tightening school budgets, but researchers...


Give teachers what they want (and students what they need): Effective teacher prep

Teachers demand better training on how to teach reading. Teacher prep programs ought to do more