On the Importance of Parent-Teacher Conferences

Discussions of teacher quality are always elevated by the input of excellent teachers. One of our favorite teacher/columnists is Patrick...

State of the Unions

It has been a busy week for the teacher unions. In Chicago, a strike was narrowly averted; in Park Ridge,...

Racial Politics in Detroit

Joe Klein, not to be confused with New York City's Joel Klein, has written an excellent column in Time, recounting...

Paying Your Dues

Teachers and other school employees who voice their disagreement to union membership on religious grounds will be permitted "reasonable accommodation,"...

K12 Beaten Back

Finally, the University of North Texas (UNT) has withdrawn its proposal to create the state's first online public school, benefiting...

The Physics of NCLB

The looming 2005-06 deadline requiring every classroom to be staffed by a highly qualified teacher has school officials in North...

Highly Quantified

For those of you who are anxiously awaiting the 2005-2006 deadline for states to hire all highly qualified teachers, a...

You Couldn't Pay Me Enough...

The great research team of Hanushek, Kain, and Rivkin has released an important new study of the attrition and mobility...

The Texas Two-Step

Texas educators still appear to be in a bit of an uproar over a decision to allow anyone with at...

How Are State Departments of Education Just Like Your Mother-in-Law?

In another eye-rolling exercise for Arizona teachers and principals, 136 "underperforming" schools will be getting visits from a "solutions team"...

Enron to Edison

The Florida Retirement System, a $92 billion pension fund that lost a reported $325 million buying tumbling shares of Enron...


Tired of sending students who fought, cursed and threatened him to the principal, only to have them sent back, Philadelphia...

Deviant Vermont Teachers Exposed

Last year, a local Vermont newspaper revealed that Vermont educator Wayne Nadeau had recently been elected to a national leadership...

Philadelphia Airs Its Own Dirty Laundry

In the best study since The New Teacher Project's expose of urban hiring horror stories, a group called Learning from...

States Fudge Figures on HQT (An Update)

In the October 31, 2003, Teacher Quality Bulletin, we reported on the wide range of highly qualified teachers that states...