North Carolina gets tough with charter schools

A new rule passed by the North Carolina State Board of Education imposes serious penalties on charter schools that do...

Court rules state unions must disclose financial reports

US District Court has issued an important ruling that all state affiliates of both the National Education Association and the...

NCTQ mourns loss of teacher accountability initiative in New York

It grieves NCTQ to report that a smart accountability initiative in New York has been laid to rest. New York...

Telling it like it is?

NEA President Reg Weaver to UVA ed students: "If you see a crazy man on TV advocating for you, I...


The editorial entitled It's Time We Teachers Threw Off Our Mantle of Martyrdom in the March 2008 TQB contained a...

Research competition: Call for proposals

NCTQ is calling for proposals for our research competition Help or Hindrance? What is the impact of teacher roles, rules,...

It's time we teachers threw off our mantle of martyrdom

by Julie Greenberg Sandwiching thirteen years of teaching between two periods of policy work, I have acquired an unusual perspective on...

Teacher tenure in New York

New York legislators made strides in improving teacher quality last year when they voted to require that probationary teachers show...

An epitaph? Math Wars, R.I.P., 1989-2008

For nearly two years, the 24-member National Mathematics Advisory Panel has labored to produce a report with the primary objective...

No basic skills waivers for the Hoosier State

What do you do about prospective teachers who can't seem to pass the state's required basic skills test? Waive...

Does reducing class size reduce the achievement gap?

Much of the case for reducing class sizes rides on the findings of the famed Tennessee Project STAR experiment, which...

Six figures for teachers

A new charter school in New York City is opening its doors with a hefty bet on the quality of...

Parents as teachers: Home schooling under fire in California

Schools often say that "a parent is a child's first teacher." However, that adage never claimed that the...

Unions and state governments place bet on slot-based funding

When budgets get squeezed, all of a sudden folks get creative about new--and sometimes discomforting--funding sources. In two states this...

Baltimore teachers told they must learn to share

Next school year, Baltimore City principals can require most teachers to commit one of their weekly planning periods to collaboration...