Did L.A.'s Duffy throw subs under the bus?

When a union president not known for his reformist tendencies looks to be getting all reformist, union dynamics get mighty...

Less than a ringing endorsement for ABCTE

ABCTE, the most stripped-down route into teacher certification there is, contracted with the research group Mathematica to gauge the effectiveness...

Performance pay without borders

While performance pay may be popular, all those messy details for making it work remain to be settled, as two...

Should students have a say on teacher evaluations?

In Rhode Island a group of students are advocating that high schools deserve to have a voice in the evaluations...

Do Cadillac induction programs select Chevy mentors?

Last year, we were discouraged about the findings of a federal Institute for Education Sciences study which compared...

NCTQ is moving and TQB is taking a break

Because we're moving our office next month 100 yards across the street, NCTQ will not publish an October issue of...

School accountability without unintended consequences

It's almost a given that when NCLB is finally reauthorized, schools will be allowed--if not required--to use value-added data to...

The upside of peer pressure

In sports, playing with stronger players improves an athlete's game. And in education, teachers perform better when the quality of...

Private sector tips on managing teachers

Few dispute that school principals should take an active role in the hiring, evaluation and development of the teachers at...

Back to school with Tony Danza

Almost 40 years after the documentary "High School" took a no-holds barred look at Philadelphia's Northeast High School, the cameras...

Colorado may be used to high altitudes but can it compete in Race to the Top?

NCTQ President Kate Walsh writes that Colorado can win a hunk of the $4.35 billion in school-improvement money that...

KIPP, Kopp and the "master teacher"

Imagine yourself as a school administrator about to conduct a classroom observation of a middle school math teacher. ...

Ed school renegade takes top NY post

The New York Board of Regents showed considerable moxie in picking our favorite ed school dean David Steiner as its...

Charlotte layoffs: diet or purge?

A few months back TQB noted that Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools was laying off teachers while going ahead with plans to...

Massachusetts getting ready for Feds

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has maintained for a while now that he wants the state to seize control of...