
Reflections on Starbucks and rural teaching shortages

To attract teachers to rural areas we either have to come up with a significant and steady infusion of cash—or...


Does state oversight of teacher prep make a difference?

A new study focused on Massachusetts finds a direct link between its performance rating of providers with the future effectiveness...


Teacher licensure pass rate data: Lessons learned on teacher quality and diversity

Information gleaned from licensure tests can offer a compass, guiding efforts to strengthen and diversify the teacher workforce.


A look at districts’ planning and collaboration policies for their teachers

As districts begin to plan what the next school year will look like, we analyze how teacher planning and collaboration time are...


The opportunity to learn from teacher licensure pass rate data — and why it matters

Strengthening our teacher workforce begins with better, more transparent data.


A framework for success: Q&A with UNC's Dr. Laura Bilbro-Berry

The University of North Carolina's Dr. Laura Bilbro-Berry discusses how the UNC System created a structured framework to help improve...


Back to the basics to boost reading results: Q&A with TSU's Dr. Jerri Haynes

Tennessee State University's Dr. Jerri Haynes on how their college of education worked to ensure its teacher candidates were better...


These states deserve a round of applause

Some remarkable progress is being made by Arkansas, North Carolina, Colorado, and Texas on the teacher quality agenda.


Dipping into the untapped supply of cooperating teachers

Policymakers and teacher prep programs often claim there's an extremely limited pool of effective mentor teachers when pairing them with...


High-quality student teaching placements, and who stands to benefit the most

A new study adds to the mix research that unpacks which candidates particularly benefit from high-quality student teaching placements.


Ten school districts with the highest salaries for first-year teachers

For school district leaders, a crucial strategy for hiring a strong, effective teacher workforce is to offer competitive salaries.


The revolutionary retention strategy of investing in beginning teachers

We examine the extent to which beginning teachers are receiving any form of compensating differentials that would help increase teacher...


Reducing bias in classroom instruction

New research on implicit racial bias in schools and its effect on student achievement.


Bias in teacher observations: No easy solutions

A new study out of Chicago has garnered a lot of attention for finding that Black teachers were significantly more...


Diversifying the teacher workforce: More than a foot in the door

Many efforts to increase diversity focus on getting more teachers of color to the door of the classroom, with too...