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  • When “do no harm” is impossible, how can districts design teacher layoffs to do the least damage?

    November 14, 2024

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    1. Strunk, K. O., Goldhaber, D., Knight, D. S., & Brown, N. (2018). Are there hidden costs associated with conducting layoffs? The impact of RIFs and layoffs on teacher effectiveness (Working Paper 140). National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER).
    2. Kraft, M. A., & Bleiberg, J. F. (2022). The inequitable effects of teacher layoffs: What we know and can do. Education Finance and Policy, 17(2), 367–377.
    3. The sample for this analysis, drawn from NCTQ’s Teacher Contract Database, consists of 148 school districts in the United States: the 100 largest districts in the country, the largest district in each state, and the member districts of the Council of Great City Schools.
    4. Examples of other criteria districts consider include whether teachers took on additional duties, contract types, principal recommendations, certification area, bilingual certifications, and attendance records.
    5. Blazar, D. (2021). Teachers of color, culturally responsive teaching, and student outcomes: Experimental evidence from the random assignment of teachers to classes (EdWorkingPaper No. 21-501). Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.
    6. Note that the sample in the Teacher Contract Database has shifted over time based on district size and other factors.
    7. Goldhaber, D., Quince, V., & Theobald, R. (2018). Has it always been this way? Tracing the evolution of teacher quality gaps in US public schools. American Educational Research Journal, 55(1), 171–201; Goldhaber, D., Lavery, L., & Theobald, R. (2015). Uneven playing field? Assessing the teacher quality gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. Educational Researcher, 44(5), 293–307.
    8. Strunk, K. O., Goldhaber, D., Knight, D. S., & Brown, N. (2018). Are There Hidden Costs Associated with Conducting Layoffs? The Impact of RIFs and Layoffs on Teacher Effectiveness. Working Paper 140. National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER).