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National Review Myth Buster #11: We didn’t invent our teacher prep standards without teacher educator advice

April 26, 2012

Our last “myth buster” post described how developing a set of standards for measuring the quality of professional training is a painstaking process that takes years. Did we mention how many teacher educators (including  educators and administrators in K-12 institutions and higher ed, as well as private consultants) advised us during development?  

To be honest, we don’t have a hard count because for each teacher educator that played a formal advising role, there are a score that helped us informally. Here’s just a partial inventory of teacher educators — a few of those who have played a more formal role (with many others acknowledged in the reports cited):

Advisors to our national and early state studies: Louisa Moats and Reid Lyon (reading); Francis (Skip) Fennell and Roger Howe (math); Vicki Snider (special ed); and Charlotte Danielson and Ellen Moir (student teaching).

Advisors to the most recent state study and the national review itself,: Ed Crowe, Ed Kame’enui, Barry Kaufman, Tom Lasley and Doug Lemov (members of the National Review’s Technical Panel) and Dan Willingham (member of NCTQ’s Advisory Board)

No one of these individuals likely agrees with every indicator of every standard in the National Review, but we think that each would attest that we have approached standard-setting with open minds and given due consideration to their thoughts.  We know our standards have certainly benefited from their input. 

Julie Greenberg