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853 Results
Hawaii Gave $10,000 Raises to Teachers. It’s Working—for Now.
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Hawaii Gave $10,000 Raises to Teachers. It’s Working—for Now.

    Mother Jones
    While claims of a "national teacher shortage" make headlines, shortages vary across subjects, grade levels, and locations. NCTQ President Heather Peske urges states to set strategic compensation policies to help fill vacancies and eliminate raises for master's degrees, which don't correlate with higher teacher effectiveness.

    December 5, 2023

    Not all teachers want to be principals, but what comes next otherwise?
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Not all teachers want to be principals, but what comes next otherwise?

    Most professions offer advancement opportunities, yet many teachers enter classrooms planning to remain there until retirement, prompting states and districts to create leadership roles that leverage teacher expertise while allowing continued classroom work. Using NCTQ data, this article examines state policies regarding teacher leadership positions, including additional compensation.

    November 14, 2023

    Most States Use weak Elementary Teacher Reading Licensure Tests, Preventing Them From Knowing if Teachers are Prepared to Teach Reading
  • Press Releases
  • Most States Use weak Elementary Teacher Reading Licensure Tests, Preventing Them From Knowing if Teachers are Prepared to Teach Reading

    Washington, D.C. – In a new analysis, the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) finds that most states (29 states and the District of Columbia) use a weak elementary teacher reading licensure test, meaning that...

    November 7, 2023

    The $1.8-Billion Lawsuit Over a Teacher Test
  • NCTQ in the News
  • The $1.8-Billion Lawsuit Over a Teacher Test

    The New Yorker
    This article chronicles a lawsuit led by Black and Latino teachers claiming a New York teacher-qualification exam discriminated against teachers of color due to disparate pass rates compared to white peers. NCTQ President Heather Peske challenges this premise while emphasizing the importance of maintaining strong licensure tests alongside efforts to better prepare aspiring teachers of color with the content knowledge needed for certification.

    October 31, 2023

    Why better preparation, more experience is critical for teacher retention
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Why better preparation, more experience is critical for teacher retention

    Dallas Morning News
    Many states, including Texas, face challenges retaining teachers. Evidence shows improved teacher preparation can reduce burnout and increase stability for students. NCTQ President Heather Peske criticizes alternative fast-track programs for insufficient training, noting, "Candidates enter classrooms quickly, then leave much more quickly."

    October 15, 2023

    Doubling up on classrooms, using online teachers and turning to support staff: How schools are dealing with the ongoing teacher shortage
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Doubling up on classrooms, using online teachers and turning to support staff: How schools are dealing with the ongoing teacher shortage

    Teacher shortages vary among subjects, grade levels, and locations, requiring targeted solutions and strategic data collection. Despite this, many states have lowered teaching certification standards to get teachers into classrooms. This article cites NCTQ data on how many states have lowered standards to "fast-track" the teacher-certification process.

    September 11, 2023

    Teachers conquering their math anxiety
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Teachers conquering their math anxiety

    The Hechinger Report
    Math anxiety affects students and adults alike, including teachers, creating a cycle where students taught by math-anxious teachers perform worse than their peers. NCTQ data reveals prep programs insufficiently allocate instructional hours to math content, and President Heather Peske urges programs to better prepare teachers in math instruction before classroom placement.

    September 5, 2023

    Amid Back-To-School Hiring Challenges, New Data Show State Recruitment And Retention Policies Pay Little Attention To Teachers Of Color
  • Press Releases
  • Amid Back-To-School Hiring Challenges, New Data Show State Recruitment And Retention Policies Pay Little Attention To Teachers Of Color

    Washington, D.C. – As students and teachers return to school, school principals and district leaders will likely report challenges filling vacant teaching positions. And just like in years past, the gap between students of color...

    August 8, 2023

    Plagued by teacher shortages, some states turn to fast-track credentialing
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Plagued by teacher shortages, some states turn to fast-track credentialing

    USA Today
    As states turn to for-profit online teacher credentialing companies to address teacher shortages, critics question whether these fast-track programs provide adequate preparation. NCTQ President Heather Peske questions how these programs ensure teachers receive necessary clinical practice and content knowledge, particularly for specialized positions like special education.

    August 3, 2023

    Many teachers not equipped to teach elementary schoolers how to read, report says
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Many teachers not equipped to teach elementary schoolers how to read, report says

    ABC 13 News
    A new NCTQ report reveals that only 25% of U.S. teacher prep programs cover all five components of scientifically based reading instruction. Our evaluation of nearly 700 programs found significant gaps in teacher training for dyslexia and English learners.

    June 15, 2023

    Only 25% of teacher prep programs cover all five core reading instruction areas, national report finds
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Only 25% of teacher prep programs cover all five core reading instruction areas, national report finds

    The Philadelphia Inquirer
    NCTQ data reveals that only one-quarter of teacher preparation programs adequately cover all five core components of reading instruction. Aspiring teachers and their students "deserve far better," says NCTQ President Heather Peske, as more than a third of fourth grade students can't read at a basic level.

    June 13, 2023

    Chicago Public Schools staff to get 12 weeks paid parental leave
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Chicago Public Schools staff to get 12 weeks paid parental leave

    Chalkbeat Chicago
    Chicago Public Schools announced plans to offer 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave for all employees, putting the district ahead of most school systems nationally. According to NCTQ data, less than a quarter of nearly 150 large school districts offer paid parental leave, with most providing fewer than 30 days.

    June 8, 2023

    Why do teachers pay for school supplies with their own money?
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Why do teachers pay for school supplies with their own money?

    Teachers nationwide spend hundreds of dollars annually on classroom supplies. NCTQ President Heather Peske notes that while some schools offer supply budgets or receive parent support, teachers in high-poverty districts typically bear these costs themselves.

    April 7, 2023

    It Could Get a Whole Lot Easier to Teach in a Different State
  • NCTQ in the News
  • It Could Get a Whole Lot Easier to Teach in a Different State

    Education Week
    A new compact hopes to create full teacher-license reciprocity among states, easing mobility barriers for qualified educators. NCTQ's Shannon Holston emphasizes that limiting eligibility to fully licensed teachers is key to maintaining quality while keeping experienced educators in the profession.

    March 27, 2023

    How Schools and Programs Around the Country Are Making Teaching More Diverse
  • NCTQ in the News
  • How Schools and Programs Around the Country Are Making Teaching More Diverse

    The 74
    When students of color have teachers of color, they experience better attendance, fewer disciplinary issues, and higher academic achievement. NCTQ identified nearly 90 programs that successfully support candidates of color in navigating teacher licensure exams, key guardrails that help gauge whether teachers are prepared to enter the classroom.

    February 22, 2023

    Aspiring Elementary Teachers Are Unlikely to Get Essential Social Studies and Science Content They Need to Teach Students
  • Press Releases
  • Aspiring Elementary Teachers Are Unlikely to Get Essential Social Studies and Science Content They Need to Teach Students

    Washington, D.C. – New data and analysis released today from the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) finds significant opportunities for teacher preparation programs to improve their coursework requirements to ensure that aspiring elementary school...

    February 7, 2023

    Teachers are leaving, forcing this school to cancel classes. Lowering professional qualifications does not fix shortage, educators say
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Teachers are leaving, forcing this school to cancel classes. Lowering professional qualifications does not fix shortage, educators say

    Over the last two years, 23 states have lowered teacher qualification requirements for beginning teachers, according to an NCTQ analysis. NCTQ President Heather Peske warns that lowering qualifications is harmful to students and insulting to the teaching profession.

    February 3, 2023

    Are Illinois schools teaching reading all wrong?
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Are Illinois schools teaching reading all wrong?

    Chicago Sun Times
    In Illinois, the momentum for changing how elementary students learn to read is growing. This article highlights NCTQ's Teacher Prep Review: Program Performance in Early Reading Instruction, which points out that many educator preparation programs still do not provide sufficient preparation in early reading for aspiring elementary teachers.

    December 25, 2022

    Overworked, underpaid? The toll of burnout is contributing to teacher shortages nationwide
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Overworked, underpaid? The toll of burnout is contributing to teacher shortages nationwide

    USA Today
    A nuanced analysis of where teacher shortages exist across the country, the contributing factors, and discussion of how students are being affected. This brief uses NCTQ data on which states publicly report key information about their teacher workforce needs.

    December 21, 2022

    As Student Test Scores Show Steep Declines and Widening Opportunity Gaps, States Continue to Back Away from Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policies That Can Help Accelerate Learning
  • Press Releases
  • As Student Test Scores Show Steep Declines and Widening Opportunity Gaps, States Continue to Back Away from Teacher and Principal Evaluation Policies That Can Help Accelerate Learning

    Washington, D.C. - New data and analysis released by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) finds ample opportunities for improvement in states' teacher and principal evaluation policies. With educator quality as the most powerful...

    November 16, 2022

    Steep National Declines and Widening Gaps in Student Math and Reading Performance Reinforces Urgent Need for Supporting a High-Quality, Diverse Teacher Workforce
  • Press Releases
  • Steep National Declines and Widening Gaps in Student Math and Reading Performance Reinforces Urgent Need for Supporting a High-Quality, Diverse Teacher Workforce

    Washington, D.C. - The education community has anxiously awaited the release today of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) scores—also known as the Nation's Report Card. The 2022 scores for fourth and eighth grade...

    October 24, 2022

    Uncertified teachers filling holes in schools across the South
  • NCTQ in the News
  • Uncertified teachers filling holes in schools across the South

    The Dallas Morning News
    Southern states increasingly rely on emergency-certified teachers and those teaching outside their certification areas to fill classroom vacancies across all grade levels. NCTQ's Chief of Policy and Programs Shannon Holston warns that shortsighted hiring practices could negatively impact students for years to come.

    October 13, 2022

    NC teachers would prove they are effective educators under proposed licensure program
  • NCTQ in the News
  • NC teachers would prove they are effective educators under proposed licensure program

    WRAL News
    A synopsis of North Carolina's proposed new teacher licensure and compensation system, which would require newly licensed teachers and experienced teachers seeking to renew their licenses to prove they are effective. The piece includes NCTQ data highlighting other states that have implemented similar policies.

    October 10, 2022