Teacher Prep Review

Our nation's elementary schools employ 1.9 million teachers who are prepared by programs housed in over 1,500 separate institutions. Since 2006, NCTQ has reviewed programs, made recommendations, and highlighted the best we've seen of key elements for undergraduate, graduate, and non-traditional elementary programs.

The NCTQ Teacher Prep Review evaluates the quality of programs that provide preservice preparation of teachers. The Review database includes both traditional and non-traditional programs.

Traditional Programs

The Teacher Prep Review evaluates a total of 1,244 undergraduate and graduate elementary programs offered by education schools in 1,053 public and private institutions of higher education. The institution-based programs evaluated under the Teacher Prep Review are responsible for producing 96 percent of traditionally prepared teachers.

Alternative Route and Residency Programs

The Teacher Prep Review also examines 58 alternate route and residency programs leading to elementary certification.

Learn more about the timeline and methodology of the Review and access resources from exemplary programs across the country.

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Reading Foundations: 50+ years of research has provided clear evidence on how to most effectively teach children to read, yet new NCTQ data shows only 25% of teacher prep programs ensure future teachers learn these methods.



Driven by Data: Using licensure tests to build a strong, diverse teacher workforce

Institutional pass rates on elementary content licensure tests provide key insights on ways to better support aspiring teachers.

See our reviews of reading instructional materials used by teachers.

Explore our reading material database